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Keith Ahrens and Eric Wikler

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Keith Ahrens of Las Vegas inspires lifestyle change Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open-Heart Surgery and Battling Obesity. Keith Ahrens CFT, SFN, and BLS Instructor He’s an award winning and best selling author of the book, Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open-Heart Surgery and Battling Obesity/The Decision to Change My Life. The spirit of this book is. Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open-Heart Surgery and Battling Obesity/The Decision to Change My Life (9780982449905): Keith Ahrens, Eric Wikler: Books Customer Reviews: Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open. . Click on the book and go directly to the Outrunning My Shadow. Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open-Heart Surgery and Battling. Patsy Rhame | Facebook Outrunning My Shadow Surviving Open Heart Surgery and Battling Obesity the Decision to Change My Life by Keith Ahrens Is a Fascinating and Highly Informative Memoir. . 3.0 out of 5 stars Outrunning My Shadow I started the book. Keith Ahrens' Story of Survival He wrote a book, "Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open-Heart Surgery and Battling Obesity. Open Heart Surgery Recovery - a comprehensive view - Wellsphere Life as a Doc. is from: Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open-Heart Surgery and Battling Obesity/The Decision to Change My Life. The Decision to Change My Life," became a certified fitness trainer and. Keith Ahrens | LinkedIn He’s an award winning and best selling author of the book, Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open-Heart Surgery and Battling Obesity/The Decision to Change My Life. Keith Ahrens — Health tips and discussions, motivational. The Decision to Change My Life is the title of his book and he maintains a webpage to project his. increased respect for his body…and a highly enlightening book, Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open-Heart Surgery and Battling Obesity/The Decision to Change My Life. The Book — Keith Ahrens Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open-Heart Surgery and Battling Obesity/The Decision to Change My Life by

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